At STO we take extra special care to ensure you attend courses and workshops that meet nationally recognised standards. We offer course and qualification accreditation, and we also have approved schools.
Our accredited providers have undergone a rigorous quality assurance accreditation process, with our specialised accreditation team. Our approved schools offer Ofqual regulated qualifications in Sports Massage Therapy and have undergone accreditation with various Ofqual regulated Awarding Organisations. STO follows the established process of quality assurance and regulation of Sports Therapy degree programmes (Level 5, Level 6 and Level 7) by accrediting courses that meet our set criteria.
We also have a wide range of accredited CPD training providers.
The Sports Therapy Organisation team is dedicated to supporting and guiding all applicants throughout the accreditation process.
The accreditation process is completed in 4 steps:
Step One
Training Provider contacts the accreditation team of the STO, via email The team will provide guidance and advice, helping to facilitate the accreditation process
Step Two
Training Provider will complete the accreditation application form with the appropriate supporting documentation. Once all of this information has been received, the accreditation team and the STO executive committee will audit the documentation provided. A report will be prepared and sent, with feedback given, within 21 days of the paperwork being submitted
Step Three
Once all the documentation has been completed to the STO standard requirements, a member of the STO accreditation team will visit the Institute to review the facilities, meet with the programme leader and staff and discuss the documentation and the quality assurance process. The cost for this first visit is included in the STO Accreditation fee
For degree programmes of study going through a re-validation or validation event, it is suggested that a member of the STO accreditation team attends as an external panel member. This is chargeable at £175 per day plus reasonable expenses.
Step Four
If the programme has been deemed fit for purpose, the accreditation team will submit a report which will include:-
Overview of the documentation
Overview of the visit
Any recommendations or additional requirements
Any Institute that fails to gain accreditation will be informed of this, and a report will be sent outlining any action that is required in order to meet the additional requirements.
Following successful Accreditation, the Institute will:
HE and FE courses will be accredited for 5 years (yearly accreditation fee required) or till re-validation
Free Student Membership will be given to all students registered on accredited HE and FE degree programmes
Be entitled to use the STO Accredited logo on its’ certificates and advertising materials for the duration of the accreditation period.
Be eligible to have accredited courses listed for free on the Basic STO accredited course providers area and advertised on the STO Facebook page.
Be eligible for discounted advertising on the STO website
If you are a training provider, college or university and would like to look at getting your course accredited or become an approved school, please contact
quality you can trust

BSc Sports Therapy
Accredited Training Providers, Colleges and Universities

Sports Massage Levels 3 to 5. Sports Therapy Levels 5 and 6. Sports Massage Levels 3 to 5.

FdSc. Sports Therapy

John Gibbons Bodymaster Method Diploma

Level 3, 4, Sports Massage courses and Level 5 Sports and Clinical Therapy
BSc & FdSc Sports Therapy

Level 3 & 4 Sports Massage